Services / How we can help
+ Home Design Consultation
We offer a Home Design Consultation. It is a home visit, which explores your dreams for your home. We assess your wishes as well as your house or building site. This is the first step for any home improvements and will put you in a strong position to take your project forward to achieve your dream home. This service is also suitable when considering a potential property purchase as we can carry out these consultations based on your potential new home.
A Home Design Consultation with NOA's principal architect Nadia Oulevay. Nadia will discuss your wishes with you in your home, giving you the benefit of her experience and creativity. Following this you can choose to continue with a full or partial architectural service to take your project through to completion.
This is a 4h meeting with you in your home, developing your architectural brief, taking quick overall measurements and noting anything unusual. We draw sketch plans of the existing site or building before sitting down with you to sketch designs that meet your requirements. This provides you with sketch layouts, new and inspirational ideas, knowledge about what is possible and how to take your project forward.
For smaller and simpler projects this may be all you need to help inform a builder of your wishes. For larger and more complex projects this stage forms the basis of a feasibility study which we can use to gather further information for you including budget costs, structural possibilities and planning potential.
We will provide you with a breakdown of our recommended services bespoke to your project's needs with fee breakdown for each stage following our Home Design Consultation. You can then select from these a full or partial service including the stages that you need to make your project happen.
Contact us today to arrange your Home Design Consultation.